Afterwork by Corpus

CORPUS really wants to be the living room of the Leiden Bio Science Park, the big economic hotspot of the Netherlands. Not only for events and to go to with visitors to do something different, but where you can also enjoy yourself after work. To give a boost to this effort, the second edition of Afterwork By CORPUS happened on the 2nd of June. 

Afterwork offers you the opportunity to get to know new people in a relaxed setting, and to expand your network. This is where scientists, students, employees, researchers from companies and institutes from and around the Leiden Bio Science Park meet, but residents from nearby are also welcome.

On the 2nd of June, the second edition took place was, being a success once again. At the end of this friday afternoon, a lot of people found their way to Afterwork by CORPUS to relax after a busy week. Enjoying swinging DJ-music and delicious drinks, people started chatting and laughing at first. It didn't take long before people found their groove and let loose on the dance floor. 

Laughing and dancing is super healthy, especially at the end of a busy week. It prevents the production of stress hormones, and makes sure that your body makes all kinds of feelgood-hormones. Dancing and laughing is also good for your blood pressure, it improves your immune system, and it improves the digestive process. The perfect start of your weekend, and a valid reason to be there at the next edition on the 1st of September! Will we see you there? Lachen en dansen is supergezond, zeker aan het eind van een drukke week. Het zorgt ervoor dat stresshormonen verminderen en je lichaam allerlei feelgood-hormonen aanmaakt. Dansen en lachen is ook goed voor je bloeddruk, het verbetert je immuunsysteem en bevordert de spijsvertering. De perfecte start van je weekend dus en genoeg redenen om de volgende editie erbij te zijn op vrijdag 1 september! Zien we jou dan ook?

Click here for more information and sign up!