Thursday 12 December

Dutch Life Sciences conference

The Dutch Life Sciences Conferences IS scheduled to take place on December 12, 2024, at CORPUS!

The Dutch Life Sciences Conference stands out as the Netherlands' most well-established event in the life sciences domain, establishing itself as the primary annual gathering for both Dutch and international participants. This conference unites influential CEOs from biotech, pharmaceutical, and medical devices companies, along with R&D leaders, academics, and life sciences investors within the healthcare sector. The primary focus is on creating networking opportunities to facilitate the translation of innovations into areas such as therapies, medical devices, and diagnostics distribution within the healthcare system. The event offers a distinctive platform for engaging discussions, panel presentations, and product demonstrations, fostering connections with new companies and paving the way for innovative business collaborations.

More information about the congres can be followed through this link.


  • Thursday the 12th of december 2024

