donderdag 19 juni
Jaarcongres Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis 2025

Het “NOG Jaarcongres 2025”, een jaarlijks congres georganiseerd door het Nederlands Oogheelkundig Gezelschap (NOG). Dit congres staat gepland van 2 tot en met 4 april 2025.
The “NOG Annual Congress 2025”, an annual congress organized by the Dutch Ophthalmological Society (NOG). This congress is scheduled from April 2 to 4, 2025. The event is an important meeting for ophthalmologists and other eye care professionals in the Netherlands to discuss the latest developments in the field, share research results and network with colleagues. The website will probably contain details about the agenda, speakers and other relevant information about the conference.
- Nieuw Donderdag 19 juni 2025 Meer informatie